Setting the Gold Standard in Landscaping

Pennsylvania Bluestone Patios, Pathways, and Walkways – Portland Oregon West Side

One of our specialties is Pattern Cut Pennsylvania Bluestone Patios and walkways. If you want something really outstanding and unique, you need to take a look at this option.     (read more below….)


All Photos Shown Above Are From Bluestone Patios We've Installed In Recent Years

Pennsylvania Bluestone is one of the most sought after varieties of flagstone/slate because of it’s unique color, smooth finish and uniformity. It has hues of several different colors including blues, grays, tans, and purples. It’s surface is much more uniform and smooth than almost any other variety of patio stone. Bluestone patios and pathways offer one of the very best options in hardscapes. You get the amazing look of real stone and you get the uniformity of products like pavers and concrete.

Bluestone patios are also more distinctive than most all other patio or pathway options. Their rich, natural look and tight joints combined with the pattern cuts combine to make a stone tile patio look that is superior to what you can get with regular flagstone or pavers. The price point for a Bluestone patio is usually at least 50% more than a regular flagstone or paver patio. But if it’s in the budget, you will find that Bluestone offers probably the single best, most unique and extraordinary patio you can buy.

We have detailed experience installing custom Pennsylvania Bluestone patios and pathways, In addition to our photos above, please take a look at some of our work in our photo gallery.

To begin, simply complete our online quote request form and one of our Portland or Beaverton Oregon area Bluestone Installers will contact you promptly to set up an appointment for a free estimate. Or call today to set an appointment: 503-524-3679

Lewis Landscape Services of Beaverton Oregon, specializes in Pennsylvania Bluestone patios and pathways in the SW Portland Oregon area, and surrounding cities. See our Service Areas section for more details.

For All Your Landscaping Needs

  • Landscape Design
  • Rock Walls
  • Segmental Retaining Walls
  • Paver Patios & Walks
  • Flagstone Patios & Walks
  • New Sod Lawns
  • Fences & Decks
  • Outdoor Lighting
  • Irrigation Systems & Repair
  • Courtyard Walls
  • Clean-Ups
  • Weekly Maintenance
  • Drainage
  • Rock Work
  • Barkdust / Mulch

Licensed, Bonded & Insured
LCB #8112  CCB# 231440
Portland Metro Lic.#  9303

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